I deal with Social Art – projects introducing participants into a state of self-awareness, omnipotence, and love, helping to make contact with oneself, with another person or with society. I believe in the possibility of introducing changes in the world and in individual people through art.
For many years I have been doing experiments on myself and volunteers, checking my installations, traveling, talking to people, and portraying them. This allows me to enter into a deeper understanding of human nature and our needs. Through my work, I give leading solutions, I hope for greater peace, self-satisfaction, life, better interpersonal contact, more informed choices. I choose emotional states that I think are worth strengthening and create spaces for experiencing them.
I have perfect conditions for this activity. I have over 100 m2 of space in my studio and gallery, which I adapt to current needs. Together with my friends, I organized exhibitions, workshops, film screenings, concerts, performances, happenings, and charity balls for several hundred people. I live in a fantastic house! It was designed by Stanisław Witkiewicz and Teodor Axentowicz – the first was one of the greatest Polish architects, the second one was our greatest painters. The house is 111 years old and was founded as the summer painting studio of Teodor. Since then, when Zakopane was a cultural melting pot of Poland, it is a house that is still in the hands of artists. I have a garden, with 7 concrete sculptures of several meters high of a sculptor Henryk Burzec who lived here for 50 years. I even have a stream flowing through the garden. And all this in the center of Zakopane.
From 2020 I live in Amsterdam, and I am starting to work with people here.
I am very lucky; I travel around the world a lot, am still working on my projects, and meet wonderful people.
I hope one day, my activities will be so widespread that they will be taken for granted.
All photos are photos from my studio.